Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Beginnings of Industrialization
The Beginnings of Industrialization A. Seeing Cause and Effect: As you read this segment, make notes in the diagram to clarify how each factor recorded added to an Industrial Revolution in Great Britain Factor Contribution to the Industrial Revolution 1 . Farming Revolution-helped interest for items and gave work prompted an expansion of populace expanded Food supplies. 2. Bottomless Natural Resources-Surplus of regular assets, for example, coal, metal harbors and ports. 3.Political Stability-permitted Britain to commit its vitality and assets to the monetary development. 4. Elements of Production-Britain had most the assets to create items. 5. Mechanical advances-had improved the quality and speed of material creation Higher benefits. 6. Business visionaries they had given association abilities and faced budgetary challenge in making a business. 7. Working of processing plants permitted the business to move all through the home into a primary area. 8. Railroad blast gave a cheap ans wer for transport materials made new openings. B.Enclosure: the walled in area of the agribusiness produce to contain u rope pivot: the turn Of harvests to modern industry Explain how both made ready for a farming insurgency. Both of these made ready for farming upset by the development of the harvests and the nook that the agribusiness needs C. Characterize the accompanying terms: Industrial Revolution-the upheaval for farming use. Industrialization-the difference in agribusiness to man made items. Components of creation processing plant, place, time, the executives Factory-a spot that produces or fabricates items for a benefit Entrepreneur-a sort of specialist.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Task - Coursework Example This has brought about downsizing of economies just as decrease in development estimates for different nations around the globe by driving organizations like S&P, IMF and so forth (The Guardian, 2011). The change in the economy just as ascend in deficiencies has prompted different sorts of spending cuts on the pieces of the administration of different nations around the world. The savage monetary swinging in the ongoing occasions has likewise created extreme vacillations of files of mechanical creations in different set up economies like the US for a delayed period. A significant number of the enterprises having a place with different segments like cordiality, agribusiness, retail and so on have been seriously influenced. (THE WESTERN UNION COMPANY, p.19) This vacillation in mechanical creation has thusly brought about huge cost cutting by the organizations around the globe, which thusly influenced the activity advertise and in this way hampering customer spending (AccaGlobal, p. 7). The activities of Western Union exceptionally remember the exchange of funds for the piece of the purchasers just as business houses to different pieces of the world. The melancholy situation rising out of the failure to determine the progressing Euro emergency by the national ideological groups has prompted drawn out varieties in openings for work there by colossally hampering the spending with respect to the purchasers. (National Bureau of Economic Research, P.9) The friend explored article features the issues that emerged in the automobile business in the US during the 2008-2011 periods as a zenith of low deals, high basic expenses just as obligations (Klier and Rubenstein, p.1-21). The paper additionally talks about the related legislative methodology that occurred during that period going from the inaccessibility of a consensual choice to offer help to the carmakers to the issuance of money related help for a limited capacity to focus the active ideological group. The paper legitimately talks about
Friday, August 21, 2020
4 SEO Techniques That Works After Google Panda
4 SEO Techniques That Works After Google Panda Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!4 SEO Techniques That Works After Google PandaUpdated On 13/07/2017Author : Avi JitTopic : SEOShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAfter introduction of Google Panda the whole algorithm of Google Indexing system changed. Now the top rankings cannot be achieved by using all the earlier techniques. So you need to work with only some techniques that still works. Remember that traffic from search engines is very important because each and every person searches his need using the search engines and Google is one of the top search engines. So SEO of your blog is very important because only then you will get the good rankings in the search results. But if you dont optimize your blog then your links will get bad rankings and then we all know that no one will go to the 9th or 10th page of the search results to fulfill his need. So here I would refl ect those techniques that works After Panda..1. Originality and Uniqueness in WritingIf you are having original content on your blog then you are going to be indexed by google with better rankings and if you have unique contents than you are going to get the top ranking for sure. But let me tell here that the blogs with duplicate contents will not get good rankings in the search results.Useful : 5 Useful Tips To Create Unique Authoritative BlogHOW TO: Brand Your Blog With Unique Content5 Ways You Can Get Fresh Content Inspiration2. Moderately Use KeywordsWhile naming your articles or setting the links you should always remember to use those keywords which are mostly typed by people in the search engines because only then they will get the link to your blog. But while doing this you should remember that there is always competition in selecting keywords between many blogs. Hence you should use those only keywords that are moderately used because then there will be less competition w ith those keywords.READHow To Do Keyword Research For SEO?3. Submitting to Search EnginesWhile submitting your blog links to search sites or directories remember two things. First you should submit your blog links only to good directories like DMOZ, Google, etc and the second thing is that your bog posts should not contain any low quality links. You can check this article HOW TO: Get Listed on DMOZ.Remember that Few low quality links can effect the whole blog.4. PR backlinks from Top Ranking sites.To get good ranking in Google search results you can try this. You can start guest blogging to get backlinks to your bog. To get backlinks you just need to add a link of your blog to the guest article. This will help you in getting good rankings as your links are now coming from a blog which ranks high in the search results. By this method you are going to get huge traffic as well. To write for HellBound Bloggers (HBB) kindly check this.Try out these techniques and after a short span of t ime you will see that your blog links are ranking high in the search results.Do share with us if you know some better techniques to achieve better ranking in search results..This article has been written by Avi Jit. He owns SkyHiTBloG -a blog that talks about blogging and technology in a unique way. If you want to write for us, kindly check this.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Analysing the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3707 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank is a major bank in UAE and providing various services and innovative products to its customers. It is named so after the merger of the Khaleej Bank with the Emirates Commercial Bank and Federal Commercial Bank in 1985. ADCB is public share holding company with limited liability. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysing the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank" essay for you Create order This bank ensures the customers satisfaction as its major objective and tends to provide good services to its customer. ADCB mission is to never forget that its customer always has another choice also. It treats every customer as individual that results in quality service delivery to every customer. It has 47 branches across UAE with two branches in India. It also has an offshore operation in Cayman Island. Abu Dhabi Investment Council, a state control body owns 65 % stake in the ADCB. ADCB was established in 1985 as Khaleej Bank and is presently the third biggest bank by asset in UAE. ADCB has four divisions that operate whole business. The divisions are as follows: Personal Banking: This division is responsible for the services like accounts, debit and credit cards. Also it regulates all the procedure of loans and bank assurance facilities. This division fulfills the basic requirements from the bank and deals with the general public issues. Islamic Banking: This divisions provides all the services according the Islamic banking regulations and offers products like Bai al-inah, Bai muajjal, Bai bithaman ajil, Mudarabah, Sukuk, Murabahah, Musawamah, Ijarah, Bai salam, Qard hassan/ Qardul Hassan, Takaful, Hibah, Wadiah, Wakalah. Islamic banking and finance depends upon the principles of Sharia that defines several ideas of marketing. Business Banking: This division of ADCB provides services like cash management and financing options for entrepreneurial ventures of businesses. This division deals with the corporate customers and provides treasury and investment services and also trade services for the businesses. Investment Banking: This division of ADCB looks opportunities of investments for the bank and also provide consultancy in merger, acquisition deals of businesses. It also offers the takeovers, strategic alliances, restructuring of the businesses and divestment opportunities for them. This division helps organization in launching IPO and sto cks at proper time and regulates its procedure. The companys mission is to provide the best services and innovative products and ensure that customers should get the best services. It has clear motive as follows and ensure these in all its operations: Responsibility The roles and responsibility should be clear to employees. Accountability The managers and employees should have a proper level of accountability for the functionality they are providing. Transparency There should be proper transparency of the companys performance to all the stakeholders and employees, and also the information regarding any changes should disseminate at all levels. Fairness All the stakeholders should be treated fairly. ADCB HR Department Human Resource Department of ADCB is headed by Sultan Al Mahmood. The HR department has its head operations at companies headquarter Abu Dhabi. At all other branches few representatives of the HR department are present and there are regional office offices where they report about the operations of the branches. These representatives keep track of the working of employees and survey their performance. At head office there are approximately 30-35 employees working in HR department and at every branch there are 3-4 employees looking into the employees performance. At regional offices the HR functionality is operated by 15-18 employees. So, in total HR department comprise of 150-200 employees. This department is very active in terms of formulating innovative policies to improve the working condition in the bank. The HR department provides various functionalities like Human Capital Development, Training-Scheduling, Performance Management, Grievance Handling, Compensation/Reward Admin istration, Third Party Transactions, Employee Relations/Union Affairs, Benefits/Pension/Gratuity, and Welfare-Medical Insurance. The HR department coordinates with other departments and keeps track of the employees and their compliance with the rules and regulation of the company. ADCB has its corporate governance code and employees should adhere with this code. HR department ensures the best training facility for employees. Previously in ADCB human resource of the company was used to be managed by the line managers. But it has become very important for every organization to have HR department and specialists for implementing several HRM practices to improve the condition of the company. HRM helps in improving the working environment of the company and works in benefit of the common employee to increase everyones performance to get better results. HR professionals responsibilities vary from quality recruitment hiring through giving world class training and experience, their role are very important in creating motivation for the employees. They inspire the workers by implementing different policies like succession strategy and leisure manager concept. Their task is to regularly analyze the activities of every employee all over the company and then promote them accordingly, also the incentive and increase in basic salary is done after the evaluation process by HR specialists. Learning Organizational Development Department has taken several initiatives to improve the employee base of the company. It has also organized seminars like the first ADCB Business seminar in 2009. This seminar was a major breakthrough in improving the interaction of the employees with the experienced management and authority. In the seminar several speakers discussed their experience of the business life and the employees got opportunity to interact with these professionals. Divisions of HR Department The whole HR department operates in coordination with other department and take feedbacks from them so as to regulate the company operations properly. The department has several functionality as described above and can be represented in three divisions which are mentioned as follows: Regulations Compliance: Disciplinary Litigation Unit: This unit ensures that all employees are following the rules and guidelines of the company and takes disciplinary actions against the defaulters. It takes consideration of the organizational standard and reduces the employee infractions. All issues of union and the conflict resolution are also handled by this same unit. Transfer Posting Unit: Deals with the issues of the human resource sharing in between the departments and maintain the skill balance of the branches by periodic reviewing. Employee Separation Unit: When any employee decides to leave ADCB, this unit arranges the negotiations and then conduct interviews for the leaving employee. The report is then submitted to the regional head office HR department. These reports help in improving the employee policies for future. Internal Monitoring Unit: This unit is responsible for time to time auditing of the issues from several divisions and ensures the compliance with the ADCB policies an d practices. Cooperation with external and internal auditors and assurance of proper implementation and operation of auditing process also comes under the consideration of this unit. Business Planning Budgeting Unit: The corporate strategy and planning is done by this unit and it decides all the budgeting decisions of the Plans. This unit also regulates the budgeting of the various operations on month by month basis. Administration Co-Ordination Unit: It ensures the interaction between different departments and regulates the information flow. Day to day activities of the HR department is also monitored by it. Reward Management HRIS: This division is responsible for all the practices of employees recognition and distribution of reward for the performance on time to time basis. This division also maintains the database of all the employees and the associated projects. Some of the major functions of this division are mentioned below: Compensation Benefit Planning: This unit tries to plan and implement most suitable practices for the compensations and benefits of the employees. It regulates the activities related to development of these strategies. Employees Database: This unit is responsible for storing all the relevant information regarding employees and it helps in drawing conclusion from the HR data. It helps in broadcast of the talent demand. Service Record Compliance: This unit deals with the private information of the employees and maintains their record and verifies any information given by them. HR Automation: This unit ensures the proper implementation of the HR Information system and adaptability of the HR practices in the software system used by ADCB. Talent Management, Learning and Organizational Development: This division manages the talent pool of ADCB and ensures the proper training and induction procedure of new employees. This division looks into the matters of the organizational development by putting proper resource s in research and development of new strategies according to the latest needs of markets. The units and their functionality in this division are mentioned below: The HR Planning, Job Analysis Design: All the activities of job design and analysis of the roles associated with the jobs are done by this unit. It is responsible for the HR planning of the ADCB. This unit conducts the review of the HR demand and accordingly plan for the year and conducts the evaluation process of job. The Recruitment Planning Organizational Development: This division plans all the recruitment procedures for the need of ADCB. It ensures the recruitment of right person, at right time, and in right quantity. This unit also looks into the matters of change management related issues and deals with the implementation of latest strategies in ADCB for the business need. The Recruitment Operations: This unit is like subsidiary to previous unit as it looks into the operation of the recruitment and adoptio n of optimized technique for testing the candidates before their entry in the ADCB. The Assessment Centers: This unit keeps monitoring the employees/ candidates performances and helps the HR department in planning the internal promotions for employees and providing suitable offers to candidates. The Employee Orientation: This unit is functioning for the proper orientation of the employee towards their department and integrating them to the practices associated with their department. It works for providing directions to the new employees so that they can inculcate the organizations culture in their work activities and maintain a good relation with their fellow members. The Internal Job Posting: This unit runs in association with the Assessment center unit and works for providing best opportunity for the well performing employees. The Performance Management: This unit operates the Performance management system that provides meriting procedures according to the work activit ies of the employees and facilitates the promotion accordingly. The Reward Recognition: This unit works for the encouragement of the extraordinary work of the employees and providing them the recognition so as to inspire the performing spirit in other employees. It helps in improving the banks performance. This unit also considers the importance of these employee recognition celebrations as it improves the image of the ADCB in market and attracts talent. The Succession Planning: This unit monitors the talent pool of the ADCB and periodical identification of successors for some particular roles are done. This procedure also helps in identifying the need of training in employees. The Employee Motivation Retention: This unit works for the employee satisfaction measures and the practices that are necessary for the employee retention in ADCB. This unit encourages the confidence of employees and provides them support in their personal life so that they can perform well in the c ompany. Aims of HR Department The HR department of ADCB is dedicated towards providing best opportunities for the candidates looking for the job in banking sector. Also the department is involved in the different measures for the employee satisfaction. For the best performance at the work the employees should feel comfortable with the working conditions of the ADCB. The HR department provides good quality orientation program so that every new employee can understand the culture of the company soon. The practices of the HR department about monitoring the employees are aimed for providing the encouragement to the performing employees on periodic basis. The department aims that the ADCB should be the first choice of skilled workers and any potential candidate. The HR department wants to develop an image of ADCB in market as quality employer which uses value proposition in its operations and encourages every piece of good work at every level. The department has a clear mission of empowering the company with the talent pool that is required for the proper functioning of its business. Methods used by HR Department The HR department regularly monitors the market condition and the activities of employees with the help of its different units. The representatives at every branch keep posting information to the regional offices and their preliminary assessment is done there. After the primary analysis report is submitted at head office. The head office at Abu Dhabi monitors the report and compares the companys activities with the competitors actions. It looks for any need of modification in the practices under implementation. If there arises the need of modifications, the organizational development unit gives the feedback of the market situations and the available options. The administration and planning unit analyzes every option and look into the feasibility of its implementation at ADCB. Several phase of analysis is done on the new approach and also cost benefit analysis is done. After the whole assessment the guidelines are released that is to be followed according to the new approach and eve ry branch is sent the circulars about that. The employees are informed and training and development sessions are arranged suitable as per the need. HR department also uses several methods to properly maintain a good working condition at ADCB. These methods are mentioned below: Human Capital Development: Provides opportunities to the employees to develop and improve their skills and it helps in continuous improvement of talent pool in ADCB. Training-Scheduling: HR department provides time to time training sessions to match their employees with the changing trends of market and fill them with latest techniques. Performance Management: The department also has policy of providing ratings to the employees and they encourage the employees with good performance which inspires other employees to perform better. Also it helps in providing succession planning so the candidates for some bigger roles can be identified easily when required. Grievance Handling: In case of any probl ems like accidents and deaths, the department supports the employees and his/her family with compensation associated with the ranking of employees. Compensation/Reward Administration: This is the most attractive part for most of the employee so HR department always do lot of analysis and then decides the compensations and rewards associated for any job or achievement. Third Party Transactions: The HR department outsources some of its activities like auditing and market research. Employee Relations/Union Affairs: It also have its guidelines and approaches according to which they used to deal with the union issues and employees related conflicts. Benefits/Pension/Gratuity: These are the basic policies that HR department provides fot the after job support of the employees. Welfare-Medical Insurance: This facility is to provide support for the employee and family at times of medical issues. HR department facilitates financial support for them and hence shows the ADCBs aff ection towards its employees Change Management: The HR department deal with the people issues related with any type changes in the methodology under adoption at ADCB. The HR department regulates the employees behavior to facilitate the smooth implementation of new strategies and techniques. Past Success of HR Department The HR department of ADCB was not properly managed previously. But in last 2-3 years it has taken an upward swift towards the innovation and employee satisfaction. Its approaches are showing great results a d the performance of employees at ADCB has improved a lot. It has employees from 47 countries which show the type of diversity that a company aims is already available there. Also the male to female ratio is 60:40, which means it has been attracting every type of candidate for to do job at the company. ADCB also has adopted the Emiratization policy as regulated by the government and providing lots of opportunities for the nationals. ADCB was recognized at the 12th National Career Exhibition where its HR department and CEO were awarded with the Best Achiever Bank in Nationality. In the exhibition the HR department provided information about their activities towards the empowerment of UAE nationals. The ADCB is dedicated towards attracting, training and developing young nationals so as to make them capable of playing crucial role in the overall development of UAE country. Also the attrition rate in ADCB is showing a downward trend that is a sign of proper functioning of the HR department. HR department with the help of its information system is improving the appraisal system and motivating the employee suitably and making them succeed to higher levels with good performance and training. Measurement of Outcomes Outcome of the HR department activities can be easily concluded from the report r about the attrition rate comparison was past years. The employee satisfaction is also significantly high with respect to other companies in the ADCB. There are more and more number of candidates willing to enter the company as they are seeing that their peers in ADCB are getting proper benefits of the work. The image of ADCB has also improved and the company has become the organization which ensures the corporate social responsibility. The company is helping the education sector and has invested in several social issues like empowering Emirati people by making amendments in the recruitment policies to attract more UAE nationals in the job. The positions that are being given to the people are fairly according to their performance. The company has adopted a transparent system for job sub succession planning through which they allow performers to succeed on higher positions. Planned HR Strategies HR department is implementing different approaches to improve the companys performance. They are mainly trying to improve the communication between the employees so as to increase the coordination among different departments. This is very important for every company that their departments should work in integrated manner. Major strategies that ADCB HR department is implementing are mentioned below: Building a Communication Channel: A strong communication channel is very much required for the timely information dissemination. This strategy is very helpful in the integration of the activities of several departments and keeps every involved person up to date. With this updated information the interface of ADCB to the customer will be more able to provide services customized according to the needs. These will lead to the performance enhancement of the company and client satisfaction. Diversity: This strategy is being adopted to develop a healthy working environment and that helps in the performance improvement of employees. Emiratization of ADCB: The Emiratization drive of UAE government is being supported fully by ADCB and it is getting Best Emiratization award continuously from past 4 years. ADCB has developed the Emirati Academy Programme where its HR department ensures that the UAE students graduating from schools and colleges should be ready with the suitable knowledge and technical ability to be able to work for the company. It is also providing the internship opportunities for the UAE students and also on the job training facility. This is very helpful in the development of the overall society of the country and will be helpful in economic development for the long run. Employee Retention: The ADCB HR department is adopting the best in industry training programs and skilled trainers for orientation of the new employees and existing employees. This practice ensures the availability of talent pool at any point of time in continuously changing mark et conditions. Market Image Monitoring: The HR department has also become the image conscious of ADCB in the market and doing a lot of Corporate Social Responsibility activities so as to attract the skilled workers. Recommendations Conclusion Based on the above study of the organization regarding the Human Resources practices in the organization, there are few areas which are critical to the organization and there are suggested few recommendations to enhance the hold of Human Resource Department in the company. These recommendations are as follows: For strengthening Human Resource Planning: Non-Discrimination: Training and development programs at ADCB are biased towards the UAE Nationals. Many good quality candidates could not take leverage of the education and skills imparted at such institutes. The company thus must take suitable actions to remove any discrimination with any stream of employees. ADCB should take into confidence the migrant workers while pursuing Emiratization policy. This is necessary because almost 50% of employees working in the company are migrants Focus should be on quality rather than quantity while making recruitment decision. ADCB should ensure that they find the suitable candidate for the company so that employee becomes an asset for organization but not a liability. For employee motivation: ADCB should believe that its HR policy is a major derivative of its performance management and employee satisfaction schemes. It shows some excellent ways to encourage its employees to contribute more in its growth. Some examples include: Fam ily Day celebration: this is a unique way that can be adopted by ADCB to motivate its employees to their workplace. In this day, employees can bring their families to their workplace. In provide an opportunity for people to meet new people can to develop better bonding among employees, which sooner or later results more efficient work by employee and hence improving performance of the company. Half-Day leave for birthday: Under this, employees are provided with an option to take a brake on their birthday form their office work. The motive is to make them realize that their workplace cares about them. Other perks: Some attractive perks and facilities can be provided by ADCB to its employees include celebrations of some festivals with their family members, five working days a week, no urgent meetings on weekends, compulsory off from office work for a particular time-duration, engagement with call center training etc. The important thing is these policies are they can be executed without any preferences or discrimination between different levels within the firm. Health: ADCB should cares for health issues of its employees. Different aerobics workshop, workshops for yoga and other aids for mental and physical relaxation may run within the organization. It can have dew tie-ups with leading health caring firms which conduct routine check-ups of not only the employees but also their family members to some extent. ADCB gives its employee free medical insurance. Other incentives could include stress management classes and regular health camps etc.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay Julius Caesar - 931 Words
Julius Caesar Expository Essay The decisions that one man makes can determine the length of life. Rome has many people that have the characteristics to be great leaders. Antony is a manipulative man, Brutus is an honorable man, and Octavius is a quiet strength. All three men would do an excellent job in leading Rome. Antony is a manipulative man. This is shown throughout the play in several cases, but most prominently at Caesar’s funeral. â€Å"I thrice presented him a kingly crown which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?†(III, ii, 96-96). Antony is very cleaver in the way that he presents his case to the people. He uses rhetorical questioning to show the people that Caesar was in fact not ambitious. Antony also played on†¦show more content†¦Additionally, Brutus is also a noble person. Brutus helped in the assassination of Caesar not for personal gain but for the love of Rome. â€Å"Not that I loved Caesar lee, but that I loved Rome more.†(III, ii, 21-22). Brutus is able to satisfy that his motive is pure; that his action is without bitterness and that the assassination of Caesar is for the general good of Rome. Brutus is also rigidly mortal. â€Å"I did send to you For certain sums of gold, which you denied me, For I can raise no money by vile means. By heaven, I had rather coin my heart And drop my blood for drachmas than to wring From the hard hands of peasants their vile trash By any indirection. I did send To you for gold to pay my legions, Which you denied me.†(IV, iii, 78-86) Brutus is distressed with Cassius because he is led to believe that Cassius is accepting bribes, and denying Brutus the proper money to pay his troops. Brutus confronts Cassius and tells him that he was wrong to misuse his power and be so dishonest. Brutus clearly s tates that he loved Rome more than he loved Caesar, which in turn keeps his motives pure and his reasons for helping in the assassination honorable. Above and beyond, throughout the play Octavius is seen as a silent character, yet shows his strengths in several matters. Octavius is seen to be ill tempered. Though he is a quiet man if challengedShow MoreRelatedThe Julius Caesar671 Words  | 3 Pages Julius Caesar is the one of the famous Roman generals. Many may recognize this name from the great works of Shakespeare. Before the great works of Shakespeare, Julius Caesar was famous in his Roman city which. Julius Caesar was a dictator that turned the Roman republic to the Roman Empire. Even though the life time of Julius Caesar took place in 100 BC – 44 BC, people everywhere will mention Caesar’s name and legacy. For starters, Julius Caesar’s time wasRead MoreJulius Caesar972 Words  | 4 PagesIn Shakespeare’s historic tragedy, Julius Caesar, Cassius struggles to take down Rome’s extremely admired leader, Caesar. To cause Caesar’s demise, Cassius must convince Brutus, Caesar’s trusted companion, to join him and the conspirators. 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Yet, unlike other decisions, ones that are about these three fields are the most important, due to the risk involved, and because of the consequences that might follow. nbsp; Power- power is the complete domination of others, andRead MoreEssay On Julius Caesar1650 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction- Julius Caesar was a dictator of Rome in 47 BC, and then in 44 BC, he was appointed dictator for life.But really, who was Julius Caesar? Who is this man that was murdered because of his poor leadership? Some historians may believe that Julius Caesar did things that was for the benefit of Rome, and that he made Rome more powerful in a strong way. I understand why some people think that he was a good person, he did do things to benefit Rome. For one thing, he supposedly did give rightsRead MoreEssay on Julius Caesar951 Words  | 4 PagesEarly life Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100 B.C. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lets Play Tennis - 1077 Words
The Writing Style of an Apology â€Å"An Apology for Using the Word Heart in Too Many Poems†is a poem whose theme circles around how the author, Hayden Carruth, attempts to persuade people to use the word heart with emotion behind it. The title is what captures the readers attention to this poem. When first reading the word apology, people usually think of it as a regretful acknowledgment which is along the lines of saying, â€Å"Im sorry.†But not this particular apology. Also, when reading the words â€Å"heart†or thinking of â€Å"love†, the first thought is usually a great feeling and happiness. The author uses his apology as more of a defense and explanation as to what he thinks of the heart. He also gives his viewpoint on how people use the†¦show more content†¦It is equivocal, sentimental,/Debatable, really a sort of lentil†(Carruth 5-6). A lentil is a high-protein pulse that is dried, then soaked, and cooked before eating. No one would compare the heart to a sor t of lentil. The lines above could suggest that the apology the author is trying to give off is not serious because of the sarcasm he uses to portray the heart. After line seventeen, going into the second stanza, the attitude of the poem shifts. The author points out the importance of the word â€Å"heart†and ones need for it. Carruth states in the poem, â€Å"Against it. And yet in spite of a million abuses/The word survives, its uses†(Carruth 19-20). These lines express how people abuse the word â€Å"heart†but through it all, it still manages to hold its meaning. Most words would lose their meaning by then, but being that the heart is so valuable, it has not. The author persuades people to use their head before just using the words heart or love to give the word its true meaning. Carruth also displays what happens to words when they tend to be misused which is that they usually lose their value over time if they are not of great importance. Through his writing style in the poem, Carruth shows how people freely use the word â€Å"heart†and how it affects the meaning of the word. He opens and closes the poem with a question, refers to the heart as it in the first stanza, and shows uncertainty of the importance of the heart in the first stanza as well. Works CitedShow MoreRelatedNSU MC7 Essay1608 Words  | 7 Pages Answer the following 5 questions based on the following situation:  Black Diamond Tennis Golf Club offers golf and tennis memberships to the residents of Black Diamond, Ohio, in which there are two types of families: golf-oriented families and tennis-oriented families. There are 100 golf-oriented families and 100 tennis-oriented families in Black Diamond. Forecasted demand prices for golf and tennis memberships by family type are given below.  There is no way to identify family types forRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Tennis899 Words  | 4 Pagesbut I just can’t win. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Foundations Studies in Gernotology
Question: Discuss about the Foundations Studies in Gernotology. Answer: Introduction As a part of research on understanding different perspectives of ageing, in this exercise I made a small attempt by comparing the perspectives of three people belonging different age group regarding ageing and its effect. These three people were (myself as researcher and participant, 10-years younger Sam and 10 years older Mary) were interviewed with questions on ageing to understand their perspective about what is ageing and their personal knowledge about life in old age. Sam is my neighbour aged 20 years and Mrs. Mary is 40 years old lady working as a colleague in my fathers office. She is also a good friend of my father. The interview sessions conducted were face-to-face to examine their perceptions about ageing and experience. Brief summary of three perspectives As per studies of Villar (2012), ageing perspectives may vary from people to people belonging different ages, colour, cast, creed, profession etc. The ageing perspective can be negative, neutral or positive with respect to factors affecting perspectives. This concept was completely justified in this interview exercise. The three people in interview session completely share three different perspectives about ageing. As per Sam being a 20-year aged young adult, old age is a burden highlighting a negative perception. Sam develops this perception by his own personal experience from old age people living around him. As per his perception, old age is a stage of dependency, illness and crisis, which is always unhappy and miserable. Sam experience about people living around him makes him assume that his old age will also be similar. Lloyd-Sherlock et al. (2012) indicated that the negative perception about old age is always stronger in young adult because of their lacking experience and respo nsibilities in life. Further, I hold a neutral perception about ageing because of knowledge and experience. As per my viewpoint, old age is a mixture of negative and positive experience where people are old when they themselves consider their age as old. Old age is the time to enjoy peace but simultaneously it is the time of dependency and crisis. As I am a student of gerontology, the knowledge and experience about ageing help to develop this mixed perception. Further, Miss. Mary being a mature adult attains a positive perception about old age because she is known to the responsibilities and experience of being an adult. As per Mary, old age is a peaceful stage to enjoy once own self. However, Mary also highlights that old age accompany certain financial and physical dependency but if individual plans a secure future then surely old age is an enjoyable stage of life. Analysing the interview data Villar (2012) studied that public perception about ageing and its experience varies from person to person depending on factors like age, social status, religion, cast, colour and much more. The negative perception about old age is common in children and adolescence. As per research, children of UK, US and China share negative attitudes towards old age whereas 70% adult consider old age as warm, kind, motherly and sincere stage of life. Similar, fact was justified in the interview session above where Sam (young adult) having no experience of life considered ageing as a darker phase of life whereas in contrast, Mary being mature adult consider old age as a peaceful stage of life. However, Caspersen et al. (2012) opine that most of the people try to rate old age as positive from some dimensions of life whereas negative on other dimensions. Therefore as a whole old age is just like any other stage of life holding its own pros and cons. Similarly, as per experience from this interview ses sion, perceptions about old age vary from people to people depending on factors affecting its perception. The Young Old (e.g., 60s70s) The young old age is considered the best phase of ageing where people usually enjoy the changes from adulthood. Makai et al. (2014) considered young old age as the healthy ageing phase where the health and social status of people support a change in lifestyle. People generally get retired in this age having social involvement and financial stability. Further, 50% of young old people have good nutritional intake, body and mind balance allowing a healthy lifestyle. Gine-Garriga et al. (2014) performed a research on psychological factors affecting healthy ageing among 171 participants between age 60 to 80 years. As per research findings, healthy ageing is affected by health status, self-esteem and cognitive stability that was more in people between 60 to 70 compared to older once. The Healthy Old (e.g., 80s90s) The healthy old between age group 80 to 90 years has a physically, mentally and socially stable life. However, the percentage of healthy old people is very less globally because health risk life senses impairment, cardiovascular arrest, diabetes and depression is very prominent in this age between 80 to 90 years (Birren et al. 2014). Further, Makai et al. (2014) studied about health factors that are prominent in healthy old people yet do not affect their health and longevity. These factors are appetite loss, decreasing taste, lacking nutrition absorption, menopause, prostate issues and nutritional imbalance. Further, social factors affecting healthy old age are financial issues, lacking mobility and social isolation. Frail Older People in the community The health factors related to frail older people in the community involve risk to cardiovascular arrest, musculoskeletal disabilities, sensory impairment, incontinence, reproductive breakdown and psychological disturbance. Makai et al. (2014) studied that frail old people lack normal ADLs (activities of daily living) having a dependency on other that creates social isolation and psychological depression. Gine-Garriga et al. (2014) studied that bad health affects the quality of life in ageing that leads to frail old people having disturbed social and mental state. Older People in long-term residential care The old age people living in long-term residential care generally suffer social isolation due to rejection from their family and society. Gine-Garriga et al. (2014) indicated that 50% of old age living in residential care develop health defects like depression, sensory impairment, disability, anxiety and other health issues due to disturbed state of mind. The old people living in residential care generally face issues like financial and physical dependency. De Rezende et al. (2014) indicated that they are most vulnerable to abnormal psychological ageing. As per data of 2011-2012, 8,357,100 old age people are living in residential care in Australia. Older Aboriginal People Makai et al. (2014) studied that social conditions of aboriginal people are the reason that harnesses the old aboriginal quality of life. The poor socio-economic background, lack of education, social isolation, lacking medical facilities and economic instability affects the health of older aboriginal people facing issues like health problems and financial crisis in old age. According to Gine-Garriga et al. (2014), the possible risk factors related to old aboriginal people are trauma, grief, physical health problems, violence, substance abuse, social disadvantage and cultural discrimination. Older People from different cultural backgrounds The older people having different cultural backgrounds are generally affected by their religious beliefs, values and perceptions that can be positive or negative for their health depending on situations. For example- some religions not allowing animal protein can become a hurdle in the treatment process of many serious diseases. Some cultures even consider medicine as a restriction due to chemical activities involved in the body. Further, Makai et al. (2014) indicated that some native Australian cultures avoid the use of contemporary medical services and treatment leading to ill health outcomes. References Birren, J. E., Lubben, J. E., Rowe, J. C., Deutchman, D. E. (Eds.). (2014).The concept and measurement of quality of life in the frail elderly. Academic Press. De Rezende, L. F. M., Rey-Lpez, J. P., Matsudo, V. K. R., do Carmo Luiz, O. (2014). Sedentary behavior and health outcomes among older adults: a systematic review.BMC public health,14(1), 333. Gine-Garriga, M., Roqu-Fguls, M., Coll-Planas, L., Sitj-Rabert, M., Salv, A. (2014). Physical exercise interventions for improving performance-based measures of physical function in community-dwelling, frail older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation,95(4), 753-769. Makai, P., Brouwer, W. B., Koopmanschap, M. A., Stolk, E. A., Nieboer, A. P. (2014). Quality of life instruments for economic evaluations in health and social care for older people: a systematic review.Social Science Medicine,102, 83-93. Caspersen, C. J., Thomas, G. D., Boseman, L. A., Beckles, G. L., Albright, A. L. (2012). Ageing, diabetes, and the public health system in the United States.American journal of public health,102(8), 1482-1497. Lloyd-Sherlock, P., McKee, M., Ebrahim, S., Gorman, M., Greengross, S., Prince, M., ... Ferrucci, L. (2012). Population ageing and health.The Lancet,379(9823), 1295-1296. Villar, F. (2012). Successful ageing and development: The contribution of generativity in older age.Ageing and Society,32(07), 1087-1105.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
What Is Nanotechnology Essays - Nanotechnology,
What is Nanotechnology? Computers reproduce information at almost no cost. A push is well underway to invent devices that manufacture at almost no cost, by treating atoms discretely, like computers treat bits of information. This would allow automatic construction of consumer goods without traditional labor, like a Xerox machine produces unlimited copies without a human retyping the original information. Electronics is fueled by miniaturization. Working smaller has led to the tools capable of manipulating individual atoms like the proteins in a potato manipulate the atoms of soil, air and water to make copies of itself. The shotgun marriage of chemistry and engineering called Nanotechnology is ushering in the era of self replicating machinery and self assembling consumer goods made from cheap raw atoms (Drexler, Merkle paraphrased). Nanotechnology is molecular manufacturing or, more simply, building things one atom or molecule at a time with programmed nanoscopic robot arms. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (3 - 4 atoms wide). Utilizing the well understood chemical properties of atoms and molecules (how they stick together), nanotechnology proposes the construction of novel molecular devices possessing extraordinary properties. The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them exactly where needed to produce the desired structure. This ability is almost in our grasp. The anticipated payoff for mastering this technology is far beyond any human accomplishment so far... Technical feasibilities include: ? Self-assembling consumer goods ? Computers billions of times faster ? Extremely novel inventions (impossible today) ? Safe and affordable space travel ? Medical Nano... virtual end to illness, aging, death ? No more pollution and automatic cleanup of already existing pollution ? Molecular food syntheses... end of famine and starvation ? Access to a superior education for every child on Earth ? Reintroduction of many extinct plants and animals ? Terraforming here and the Solar System From the introduction of the plenary of Dr. Drexler at the January '96 program of the twenty-ninth annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Maui. (An academic meeting of software and systems scientist.) In a world of information, digital technologies have made copying fast, cheap, and perfect, quite independent of cost or complexity of the content. What if the same were to happen in the world of matter? The production cost of a ton of terabyte RAM chips would be about the same as the production cost of steel. Design costs would matter, production costs wouldn't. Bibliography THE NEXT GENERATIONS...
Monday, March 9, 2020
buy custom Love as the Highest Law in Antigone and Death of a Salesman essay
buy custom Love as the Highest Law in Antigone and Death of a Salesman essay Love is a flash of light that gives meaning to the life of an ordinary man. It is bright as the sun, delicate as the shimmering lunar glare, deep as a bottomless ocean, and great as a boundless spring sky. Many artists have been trying to analyze the feeling, as well as find the answer to the eternal question what is love? The following paper will discuss two plays Antigone and Death of a Salesman. Despite the fact that Antigone and Death of a Salesman were written in different times and societies, they can be compared, since the engrossing love for family is the main aspect of both plays. In Antigone, a brave girl, Antigone proves love to her brother, sacrificing her life for the sake of love. In Death of a Salesman, Linda proves her love to Willy and Biff, forgetting about her life, feelings, and desires. However, I believe that love is about selfless giving and protection; it is the highest law in human lives. Being written many centuries ago, Antigone is the play that gives the useful lessons to the modern generations, because the little but brave girl challenges the society, demonstrating the endless love towards her brother and sister. The society determined Antigone`s fate. She had to choose between obeying the law and following her heart. For Antigone, a law is no more than just a set of rules, while love is the feeling and the energy that exists beyond the rules. The feeling is not predictable, and it cannot be subordinate. The tragedy begins when Creon refuses to bury Antigone`s brother Polynices, because the law sentenced him to a shameful death. Under the possible punishment by death, Antigone decides to bury her brother by herself. She believes that everyone should have the right to be buried as a human, especially her brother. Creon was very angry at her, and he decided to bury Antigone alive for her crime. Indeed, Antigone acted out of love and devotion. The love killed her. An tigone is shown for the readers as the light, which is a guarantee that the humanity is not doomed to the hopeless darkness. The world, where a sister can stand for her brother, cannot be hopeless. From the very beginning of the novel, the audience sees Antigone as a strong woman, who is strict to herself and the surrounding world. However, till the end of the play, the reader understands that she is tender inside. In her final monologue, Antigone says that she loved the joy of the sun, the streams, and the trees. She loved her parents, her unborn children, and her sister, who did not support her decision at first. However, most of all, Antigone loved her brother. In his drama, Sophocles is trying to say that no human being can find the strength to die without love in his heart. Antigone`s soul is overflowing with love. An intimate tenderness is inherent to the nature of a loving woman. The deep affection, the fiery, and almost reckless love made her strong before the face of death. Death of a Salesman is one more perfect example of the endless love to the family in the world literature. The protagonist Willy Lomen has many illusions, and he does not have the life that he always wanted to have. He is not a perfect family man. He does not treat his wife as a beloved woman, and has affairs from time to time. The family life lies on the shoulders of a tender woman, Willies wife, Linda. She provides understanding and support for her husband and two sons. Willy is the most important man in Linda`s universe. The woman is the example of understanding, support, and patience. She is a good wife and a mother, even though everyone tries to test her limits of patience. Being an ideal woman, Linda demonstrates her lifelong attention to her husband and romanticizes their relationship. She does not see the flaws of Willie`s behavior considering him the best man in the world. However, some aspects of her behavior are wrong. Indeed, a woman should provide support for her man, bu t she should not blindly follow his every word. Sometimes, a man can be mistaken, and there should be somebody, who can point to his flaw and give some advice. Linda tries to be the best woman so that her husband feels comfortable and safe. I opine that sometimes Linda just wanted to escape from the problems. Even noticing that her husband plans suicide, she does nothing to stop him. Linda has the great heart that allows her forgetting all the offences. No matter how Willy treats Linda in different situations, she never shows her dissatisfaction. Undoubtedly, man and woman should be close friends, who can always help each other. Lindas ability to comfort and satisfy Willy leads him to create the world of illusions. Eventually, the man finds it difficult to accept the unpleasant reality. To weaken the tension, Linda fails to help her husband to see the world. Moreover, she refuses their sons to help with their problems and sins. Besides being a loving and faithful wife, Linda is also a caring mother. She does not have strong ambitions towards their children as her husband does. She accepts them as they are - not very successful and determined people. Perhaps, only a mother can love her children in a devoted manner. Unlike her husband, she understands that Biff and Happy are her kids, and they will always be the main reason for her pride, no matter what potential they have. Unfortunately, Linda has to be a judge in the family, where children and father accuse and offend each other. However, the woman expresses loyalty, patience, and submissive nature that make her the most sympathetic character in the play. Buy custom Love as the Highest Law in Antigone and Death of a Salesman essay
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Social Work - case example Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Social Work - case example - Essay Example Crises are basically an opportunity for growth when resolved properly as persons in crisis are more open to adapting new problem solving skills. However, when coping mechanisms do not work and crisis is left unresolved, that is when problems arise. Moreover, unresolved crisis will further make the person more likely to be unable to resolve future issues (Crisis Intervention 2006). In this paper, we will tackle on the case of the fifteen-year-old Con who ran away from home and now seeks guidance and counseling. As a social worker in charge of Con’s case, it is best to fully understand his situation and do proper assessment before a suitable intervention can be formulated. Relating the concept on crisis, we will assume that Con is a teenager undergoing crisis. The issues that revolve around him constitute the array of circumstances that bring about his crisis. Con is classified as an adolescent as he is fifteen years of age. As an adolescent, Con faces a series of challenges which may have brought about the predicament he now faces. In Con’s case, his act of running away from home may be a manifestation of the rebellion that is likely of children his age that may be the result of the changes he is undergoing at present (Adolescent Psychology). Moreover, the distant relationship he feels towards his parents along with his closeness to his peers can be the result of his struggle to establish his own identity and his quest for independence. Being in the stage of puberty, Con is placed under a lot of pressure and the increasing anxiety that he experiences in response to all the pressures can trigger a maturational crisis. Hence, the crisis he faces causes him to feel elevated levels of anxiety that might have been the cause for his behavioral manifestations. In order to help Con, interventions must then be focused on correcting the maladaptive behaviors he manifests so that he can function
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Business Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Plan - Research Paper Example Balance Sheet Basic Template 9.0 Current date: 9.1 Future Dates: 10.0 C: Income Statement Basic Template: 10.0 Marketing current budget revenues: 10.1 Operations current budget expenses: 10.2 Administrative and cost of capital current budget expenses: 11.0 D. ... h interactions with individuals working in the fields in which each child is interested can we encourage and advise each student on what is necessary in school and in life to achieve their goals. Through early interaction we can gain the trust of the students, families and volunteers so to work together to defuse any destructive habits. While working with those individuals in their fields of interest these students will become proteges of these individuals for several years, eventually becoming interns as they get older and closer to their completing course work in that field. Knowledge and Dreams is a program that is in direct response to the growing number of young people falling through the cracks in school and failing to plan for their future. The goal of this program is to offer tutoring of course study and dream development and internship to the youth of the intercity. This program will entangle education before and after adulthood providing professional experience in both area s. The focus is different for every age group although the message is the same, to empower each of them with the knowledge needed to make better decisions for their future. Knowledge and Dreams will focus primarily on intercity youth of all ages. According to the National dropout prevention center â€Å"There are a multitude of youth programs available, but many are inaccessible to inner-city and rural youth (2012, para 2).†Knowledge and Dreams will partner a professional to every group of five who is interested in his/her field of study. These partnerships will last the length of the Childs stay in the program. This program will also provide tutors for these students for each grade level and subject where help is needed. During that time weekly planned activities to strengthen the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Ethical Issue of Life Support Machine
Ethical Issue of Life Support Machine Directions: Read the case study provided. In essay style, apply and discuss the questions listed below: In the case of the patient R.J his autonomy has been taken away from him, as he is no longer able to make any decisions on his own. His ability to make his own choices for his health are gone he has lost all control of how he would want to be treated. Even before he was brain dead I would question if he really ever had autonomy with the decision to have the surgery – was he made aware of the complications that could happen? Was he given the proper consultation and was he ever asked if he had a family member who had problems with anesthesia? As for justice, I feel that it will never be served because my own belief is that you cannot get the person back to what you knew them as before. They have changed forever and so have you. No amount of money would fix this problem for most. I feel justice in this case will never be gotten. The family has lost trust in the medical field they do not trust what is being told to them because they feel they have been lied to from the start. They feel this could have been prevented with some extra care. Could this have been prevented with just a few more questions from the anesthesiologist and should the patient have brought up the family history of complications during surgery? Unfortunately surgery is risky and accidents happen and patients are informed of the risks but how much information can a person take in while someone is talking to then in medical jargon? As Anderson and McFarlane point out: â€Å"Beneficence is perhaps one of the strongest guiding ethical principles of health care professionals.†(2010, p.________) This being said, I do believe the doctors were responsible for what happened to this patient. They are the experts and they have the knowledge to handle difficult situations. Did the fact that the member has the extra weight cause the physician to not be able to intubate the member? Did the physician ever call a code or ask for assistance? This is all information that needs to be available in order to see if the members rights were protected. I personally worked in surgery for many years and saw many mishaps. I have seen surgery on the wrong patient and the wrong body part. I believe we should implement more resources to protect the patient that goes into surgery but time is money and rushing through the process is what causes mistakes. The non-maleficence in this case is that the member had the right to be protected from harm, this was not the case for this patient nor his family. His life will be forever negatively changed and so will his family’s. The mistrust the family has with the medical system will make this very sad case even worse as they will begin to see the health care system as the enemy. The family has been affected by the non-maleficence as they too have been hurt emotionally and probably financially, spiritually and in ways we can never imagine. It is obvious the physician did not set out to do this to the patient but the fact is that it did happen and he is responsible as he was unable to intubate. This is a risk of surgery and patients should be advised more than not that surgery should be the last resort. The family needs time to grieve. They have lost a very valuable member of their family very unexpectedly. I would first begin to assess what they understand about his condition. I would gently tell them what his prognosis is and I would also have a family meeting with a spiritual leader of their choice, a social worker, a psychiatrist and also all the physicians involved. I would ask the family to say what they needed to say to get their feelings out, their concerns, frustrations and anger. I would make sure before the meeting was over that they understood the health of the patient and that there was no hope for recovery. I would have them explore what type of person he was and if he would want to live this way. If this is what he would want then they would move to find him a place to live long term. If this was something he would not have wanted then offer them some choices such as taking him of life support and letting him die with dignity. This would be a very difficult decision a nd this would have both a positive and negative as nothing will be resolved except for the comfort of the patient. The family will probably never get a positive outcome. Page four paraphrase- this is good 5. Professionalism Each nurse needs to understand the responsibilities and concerns that are integral to the nursing profession. Working with a team of health care professionals to provide care for patients in need requires a discipline and internal and external composure that stays steady throughout the day. Knowledge, expertise, team work and compassion are hallmarks of professionalism in nursing that I try to express in my practice. â€Å"The nurse in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual. Unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of the health problem.†(American Nurses Association, n.d.) A nurse has to take up a great deal of responsibility and must prove worthy of it. Everything from responsible patient care, to monitoring delicate equipment to which the patient is hooked, to responsible handling of medication is the nurse’s lot. A professional nurse is one who takes this responsibility very seriously and understands the consequences of mistakes. I take responsibility for my patient from the moment I am given report and until I leave the hospital. I am a professional to my patients and to me that means being present. Doing for them what they need to be comfortable and safe. I am there for them not for the social talk or the coffee break. I am there to take care of the patient and if I can help them in any way that’s what I do. 6. Mission and Philosophy of the Division of Nursing A. Describe what aspects of the mission and philosophy you feel are evident in the coursework in the RN-BSN program. My own words no citing The mission and philosophy I feel as evident in our coursework over the last few years have been the exploration of cultures and beliefs of other cultures. We have learned from each other our differences but also our similarities. I have learned to be tolerant when I did not agree with some of my cohorts especially when we did religious classes and the tension in the class room escalated from friendly to hostile. I learned to just listen and to explain part of my religion but to also keep an open mind to the beliefs of others. I also felt they needed to understand that this was a Catholic university and to be respectful of the courses that were presented as this was part of the curriculum. We all knew what courses we were to take coming into this program and if there was a conflict of interest that should have been introduced at the beginning of the BSN program not while the class was being taught by a highly respected professional. The course definitely made me a more critical thinker and made me learn not to accept answers on a superficial level, it helped me to look into matters with a more educated and focused approach to what was being presented to me as fact. Health is wholeness derived from the harmonious internal interaction of the body, mind, and spirit and the harmonious balance between person and environment. This statement is very much how I viewed the courses that were offered to me at part of the Immaculata program, they all taught us about the harmonious internal interaction of the body. We had many courses that helped us explore the holistic approach to taking care of the patient and therefore we learned a lot about ourselves. This helped us grow to become more patient centered and to focus on the task at hand and to become aware of the person we were taking care of whether they can communicate with us or not. I enjoyed the courses that were offered and I will say that I grew with each course that I completed, I felt better about my nursing career and I truly felt like I had grown as a person and as a nurse. This was a big change for me as before I took this BSN program I did not think it would help me, I actually looked at this journey of getting my BSN as something that I had to do in order to keep my job. I began fully to see that program became so impotent to who I was as a person and it became so important to who I am that I am going to miss going to class and I am going to miss my fellow students. I am especially going to miss some of the teachers who I have come to respect. B. What has been your experience with the culture of faculty interactions with students? My experiences with the faculty and their interactions with students have been positive overall. So many of the courses we took were geared towards accepting other cultures and beliefs. The class had a nice mixture of different beliefs and they were all respected by the faculty. We felt free to discuss our differences without feeling we were being judged for being different. I also feel this is an individual and personal finding and it may not reflect on how others in the class perceived the faculty and its interactions with the students. In some cultures the, students are more accustomed to seeking help from peers than from the professor. This may be because the student feels self-conscious approaching an authority figure, because seeking extra assistance is viewed as inappropriate â€Å"hand-holding,†or because asking for help is associated with weak or desperate students, and is thus stigmatizing. While soliciting help from peers can be helpful under some circumstances, there are times when peers are not in a position to provide helpful feedback. Students enter your classroom with expectations and interpretations shaped by their own cultural conditioning. Your expectations regarding appropriate classroom behavior, faculty and student roles, good writing, etc., may not be theirs. This is a product not only of cultural differences but of variations in the teaching styles of different faculty members. Even students who are familiar with the U.S. educational system have to adapt to the differing expectations of their various professors. Thus, it is helpful to all your students to spell out as concretely and specifically as possible – on your syllabus, in class, on tests and assignments, etc. – What your expectations are in regard to issues such as the following: A percentage breakdown of the graded components of your course not only helps students make reasonable time-allocation decisions (see Time Allocation); it also alerts international students to the fact that their course grade will be determined on the basis of multiple graded assignments (exams, papers, lab reports, designs, etc.) Seeing all the course requirements and their weighting can be particularly helpful for students from cultures in which only end-of-term examinations really â€Å"count understand what is expected of them in a college classroom, it is helpful not only to spell out clearly what you expect of them (see Make Your Expectations Explicit) but also to provide models of the kinds of work you want them to produce andthe kinds of skills you want them to cultivate. Seeing illustrations of good work can help students identify skills they need to develop. You might, for example: Provide examples of outstanding student work (e.g. outstanding designprojects, stage sets, engineering solutions, papers) and discuss with your students what makes them effective. This can help students (a) identify the elements of good work as they apply to particular assignments within particular domains, (b) become more conscious of these elements in their own work, and (c) understand what you, as an instructor, are expecting of them. Models of excellent student work can also help students think more broadly about an assignment, consider alternative approaches, etc. Model the kinds of discussion and debate behaviors you want students to develop. Some faculty members, for example, invite a colleague to class to debate an issue. Watching two faculty members engaged in an animated debate can help students understand how to participate in a respectful but intellectually challenging exchange. It also illustrates the dynamic nature of academic discourse.
Monday, January 20, 2020
My Strengths and Weaknesses as a Writer Essay -- Writing an Essay
The art of writing is a complex and difficult process. Proper writing requires careful planning, revision, and proofreading. Throughout the past semester, the quality of my writing has evolved significantly. At first, I struggled with the separation of different types of paragraphs, and I found writing them laborious. Constant practice, however, has eliminated many of my original difficulties, and helped to inspire confidence in my skills. As a collegiate writer, my strength lies in my clear understanding of the fundamentals of writing, while my primary weakness is proofreading my own work. During the transition from a high school writer to a collegiate writer, my strength at understanding the basic principles of good writing has remained consistent. I grasp the ...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Classroom Observation Essay
I did my observation at Horace Mann Elementary school 3nd grade classroom. When I entered the classroom, I felt very welcomed, Mrs. burns had all the students welcome me. It was a very colorful classroom covered with the children’s art work. The children seemed to feel very comfortable around each other; they all appeared to be communicating well. The goals of the children in the class room are to actively participate and understand the information taught. As I observed part of her math class, they were learning money. She gave them a worksheet to work on after she taught the lesson. As they were completing the worksheet she walked around to answer any questions and to make sure they were on task. Ten minutes later, children need to take a break on the underground,so Mrs. burns asked them to keep quiet and stand a line leave the classroom,in order to let them keep quiet,she got a idea,she took a rose and give it to who are being quiet ,then she asked that person pass this rose to another person which u think being quite,but at this time I found an interesting thing. A girl ,she didn’t pass the rose to a quiet person,she just passed it to her best friend,at first I didn’t know it ,but then there are some students began to complain about that,so I know she didn’t do it as teacher said,actually it correspond this age’s behaver,they are care more about friendship , the children are starting to not be as bossy and domineering. They do not like critism, and wishes to please others. They are sensitive about others feelings. However, they may be critical of themselves and become more of a perfectionist. The children are more cautious and withdrawn during this age. I asked Mrs. burns how she went about communicating with her students families and she told me she uses phone calls, email, and parents will sometimes send a note if he/she has any concerns. She gave me advice to always call from work and to never call from home. She said last year she had a bad experience where she used her house phone to call a parent, and after that the parent was constantly calling her house. Her curriculum was based on the California Standards. She showed me form, which was made from the CA Standards it gives you a weekly plan, and different activities to do Monday-Friday. A few of the activities included target skills of the week, like phonics, comprehension skills, and comprehension strategies.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Will Children Of Divorce Be Doomed Their Own Relationships
Kelsey Huffine English Amy Tibbals 12 April 2016 Will Children of Divorce Be Doomed in Their Own Relationships In today’s society divorce is very common. We hear people talk about all the time how children with divorced parents are most likely to fail in their own relationships. So do they? I believe that it can effect your future. I think that whether or not you fail in a relationship it is going to effect you in other aspects of your relationship either making you fail or beating the odds and seceding in your relationship or marriage. Leslie Doares author of â€Å"Is My Marriage Doomed If My Parents Got Divorced when I was a kid†Claims we know someone in every family that has been divorced. Not all people who come from divorced homes are going to get divorced. She goes on to say â€Å"So, does this mean that if your parents divorced, you either will never marry or, if you do, it will fail? Not at all. I have been married for 26 years. My other sister just celebrated her 28th anniversary. Several of the second marriages in my family lasted until the death of one partner  often over 30 years. (Doares). In this quote she is is explaining that she came from a spilt home and divorced parents and hasn’t been divorced yet. She is saying that just because your parents are divorced mean you will end up in divorce. I don’t completely agree with this. She is one person that made her marriage work. That doesn’t mean that everyone can make it work. She could have been taught how to dealSho w MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Divorce1420 Words  | 6 PagesDivorce is viewed differently by many people. Sometimes this is due to experiences, what others have said, or looking at studies that are not always accurate. However, not everyone can have the same views about marriage ending in divorce. In the article, â€Å"No Easy Answers: Why the Popular View of Divorce Is Wrong†by Constance Ahrons she shows her view on divorce. Ahrons believes that divorce does not have long-lasting damaging effects on children (65). Divorce can affect children in the family butRead MoreEffects of Divorce on Children1861 Words  | 7 PagesDivorce has many victims; they do not fall under a specific category and do not target a specific gender, age, race, or ethnicity. The effect of divorce on children differs from the effect on the spouses. The reasons for divorce are endless; they have many side effects on the spouses but most importantly affect the children. Divorce is one of the main reasons for disruption in our communities. Regardless of the reason, divorce always harms the children’s decisions, personalities, and futures. TheRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Black Men And Divorce 981 Words  | 4 Pagesmarital relationships, African-American men who marry suffer greatly when those marriages end, a University of North Texas sociologist says.Dr. Erma Lawson is the co-author of Black Men and Divorce, a book published this spring that focuses on her research of 50 divorced men. Lawson says she was absolutely shocked by the distress all of the men suffered after their divorces.They all experienced a sense of loss, guilt, anger and a sense of failure, even though some of them had wanted to divorce, sheRead MoreEssay on I Now Pronounce You Man and Wife1740 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"a commitment, partnership, ‘till death do us part†(Sanchez). Lou Sanchez, an 80 year old woman, raised three children alone. Lou and Andrew were married for 18 years before Andrew passed away from a horrible accident. This might be shocking news, but Lou, since then, has not remarried. She believed that Andrew was the only man for her. 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The U.S Census Bureau conducted research in 2010 and discovered that there are only 20% of traditional families in the US. Most families share common beliefs, rites, and religions. Generally, these families have the same typical daily schedule; the parents wake up, get the children ready for school, drop them off at school, the parents go t o work, leave work, pick their children up fromRead MoreSon of the Revolution Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay will focus on some historical central issues of the book from the period when the first campaign against rightist occurred in 1957 to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1966. The role of family, influence of relationships in marriage and divorce, the power of Mao Thought, and the major political reforms that took place in the period depicted in the novel will be discussed. The lack of structure in Liang Hengs family was apparent throughout the story. Political turmoilRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Their Intimate Relationship1784 Words  | 8 Pagesof Divorce on their Intimate Relationship Divorce on children can be one of the most traumatic things that a child may go through. Although, the reasons for divorce can range from financial, lack of communication, infidelity to a lack of love for each other. Many of these children have a cacophony of things that is being initiated in their minds that can cause depression, concentration issues at school, and behavior issues at home, as well as at school. The effect or psyche on these children as theyRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Children s Mental Health And Development1791 Words  | 8 PagesINTRODUCTION Children need intact families to flourish. 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People are the creatures to hide and keep their thoughts to themselves. â€Å"When we begin to live together under the same roof with another person, we have the
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