Saturday, January 4, 2020
Will Children Of Divorce Be Doomed Their Own Relationships
Kelsey Huffine English Amy Tibbals 12 April 2016 Will Children of Divorce Be Doomed in Their Own Relationships In today’s society divorce is very common. We hear people talk about all the time how children with divorced parents are most likely to fail in their own relationships. So do they? I believe that it can effect your future. I think that whether or not you fail in a relationship it is going to effect you in other aspects of your relationship either making you fail or beating the odds and seceding in your relationship or marriage. Leslie Doares author of â€Å"Is My Marriage Doomed If My Parents Got Divorced when I was a kid†Claims we know someone in every family that has been divorced. Not all people who come from divorced homes are going to get divorced. She goes on to say â€Å"So, does this mean that if your parents divorced, you either will never marry or, if you do, it will fail? Not at all. I have been married for 26 years. My other sister just celebrated her 28th anniversary. Several of the second marriages in my family lasted until the death of one partner  often over 30 years. (Doares). In this quote she is is explaining that she came from a spilt home and divorced parents and hasn’t been divorced yet. She is saying that just because your parents are divorced mean you will end up in divorce. I don’t completely agree with this. She is one person that made her marriage work. That doesn’t mean that everyone can make it work. She could have been taught how to dealSho w MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Divorce1420 Words  | 6 PagesDivorce is viewed differently by many people. Sometimes this is due to experiences, what others have said, or looking at studies that are not always accurate. However, not everyone can have the same views about marriage ending in divorce. In the article, â€Å"No Easy Answers: Why the Popular View of Divorce Is Wrong†by Constance Ahrons she shows her view on divorce. 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